Never let the truth spoil a good story!

Brag about your new route. Tell a tall tale. Input your feedback

22 March, 2010

Crackhouse New Route

Left to Right
Karearea Crack
Location Reference - dotted line

Crack Under Pressure, Grade 24 *, 5 bolts, 15-20m
Greg Johnston, Murray Ball 2010
Face climbing up overhanging rock on substantial holds.

13 March, 2010

Rumour Mill - New Routes

From Left to Right:

New Route - short route up left side of pillar grade 17/18, details to be supplied - Ed Liddle '10

New Route - short route up pillar grade 18/19, details to be supplied - Bryan Moore '10

Project - unknown

After Bush - existing route for reference

Whodunnit? - Grade 16, 25m, 10 bolts - Greg Johnston '10
This route was an obvious project until unknown Scumbags stole my mana, 3 quickdraws and a biner. The first bolt hanger was removed to keep people off, but it didn't work. Free booty halfway up the climb lured the ignorant perpetrators up the dirty friable rock. The route is impossible to clean without a fixed rope or, in this case, directional aids. Adding insult and cheek to my drama, the proud meat-sacks wrote in chalk their proposed over-grade (18) with stars next to the bolt stud. The route would be a classic for the grade if wasn't dirty and tainted. My energy is gone forever but I would like my kit back. Maybe the offenders will front up, return my stolen gear and finish cleaning the climb.

New Route - short route off pedestal grade 16/17, details to be supplied

He Said She Said - Grade 16 **, 15m, 7 bolts
Extension Grade 27, 5m, 2 bolts - Greg Johnston '10
Face climb on excellent textured rock angling left then up.
The extension turns the overhanging bulge.

New Route - short face climb grade 16/17, details to be supplied

Credit Crunch - existing route for reference

Project - Steep climb on white rock - Murray Ball